Those Days : Sister U Matter!
A Self-Discovery Movement 
for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

Those Days

by B.C. Raines on 07/05/18

Life is good for the most part. Those not so good days can hit so hard though. Sometimes, those days almost choke the very life out of us. But I’m learning that when we go through those days, we are (and/or will be) an encouragement to others. Others will be able to get through what they are going through because they saw us get through those days. I’m also learning that although those days are designed to prepare, equip, stretch and grow us, they are also giving others a real life example of getting through those days.

Those days are temporary. I promise it gets better! We’ve got new opportunities, fresh ideas and new beginnings on the other side of those days. Never forget, especially during those days, you were created on purpose for a purpose.

Remember...Sister U Matter!®

Comments (2)

1. EMILY F HUGHES said on 7/6/18 - 08:29AM
Awesome! God promised that He will be with us through everyday. I agree let God get the glory out of everything we endure because we do have onlookers because of God's history in our lives.
2. B.C. Raines said on 7/7/18 - 05:27PM
Thanks Emily. Our tests become our testimonies. And all of us have at least one test in life.

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B.C. Raines