Know The Signs : Sister U Matter!
A Self-Discovery Movement 
for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

Know The Signs

by B.C. Raines on 08/16/18

I was recently informed of another suicide. It was a middle-aged woman. Of course, her family is devastated and just at a loss. I didn’t know the young lady personally but I do know some of the people who loved her dearly. I am sure that they are left with an unfillable void and lots of questions for which they may never have answers. Generally, when people take their own lives, their loved ones are left with a feeling of helplessness; constantly wondering if there was something they could have done to stop it. Wondering why the person didn’t reach out or felt they couldn’t reach out to them prior to taking their own life.

Sisters, my Sister U Matter!® message  is one that is heartfelt, genuine and sincere and it is my mission that every women being that I encounter understands her value, worth and significance.  Sisters, you are absolutely essential to this world and there is only one uniquely you. Encourage another women being today. Support another being today.  I also want to take this moment to ensure that you are aware of some common signs shown by a person thinking of suicide:

1. Withdrawal

2. Depression/Anxiety

3. Reckless Behavior

4. Loss of Interest

5. Neglect of Personal Appearance

6. Substance Abuse

7. Giving Away Belongings

Know the signs, start the conversation and get help.



If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, you can talk about it, any time, by calling the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Remember…Sister U Matter!®


Comments (1)

1. EMILY F HUGHES said on 8/17/18 - 08:00AM
Awesome insight and preventive information that is well worth remembering. Yes! Sister we are uniquely and wonderfully made by God with purpose. Good post!!!

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B.C. Raines