Join The Celebration : Sister U Matter!
A Self-Discovery Movement 
for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

Join The Celebration

by B.C. Raines on 01/08/20

Happy New Year!!!

I am celebrating a very special milestone—I refer to it as my birth date. No, it’s not the celebration of the day I physically entered into the world. (Although I make a big deal out of that day too; as a matter of fact, I celebrate the entire month of December-smile.)

The birth date that I’m celebrating is my birth announcement to the world on January 7, 2015 that I am an inspirational writer and speaker. Yep, I'm five this week! Who knew what taking that one step would lead to. You see, I had been writing privately for years but on January 7, 2015, I formally introduced my writing to motivate, educate and inspire others.

I encourage you to join the celebration. No, I’m not interested in a big party or any recognition, I want you to join the celebration with me by daring to “go public” with your talents, dreams, ideas and/or goals. I have to tell you, it is very encouraging to me to know that I am exploring the depth of my writing gift. It has been very gratifying and motivating to actually view my own published work.

So again, I encourage you to join the celebration with me by “going public”. I promise you won’t regret it. Hey, be sure to invite me to your “party” so I can return the favor and celebrate with you. There’s an awesome future waiting for you. 

Always remember...Sister U Matter!®

B.C. Raines

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B.C. Raines