It’s Fall Season : Sister U Matter!
A Self-Discovery Movement 
for Girls and Women
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Sister U Matter! ® Montgomery,AL

It’s Fall Season

by B.C. Raines on 09/25/19

I’m so excited. Fall is in the air. The leaves are full of vibrant autumn colors; some leaves are even falling from the limbs making room for the new growth in the Spring. There’s a crispness is in the air.

It’s Fall season in our lives too. The Fall Season for…

Despair        Unforgiveness             Self-doubt           Hate               

Maliciousness        Pride                Anger              Depression     

Bitterness                    Self-pity                Arrogance           Covetousness

Unbelief                       Jealousy                                  Sadness

Yes, it’s time for these distinctively defeating deficits to go—to fall way, to fall off of us. They have hindered us far too long; their season is up!!! It’s Fall Season!

During this Fall season, what will be falling from your life? I’d love to hear all about it. Write about it in the Comments section. Happy Fall!

Remember…Sister U Matter!®

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B.C. Raines